
Individual & Private Sound sessions
I get more and more messages about both private and individual sound sessions either as presents for someone dear, a group of friends or for a well-needed re-aligning rest-session for oneselves. These sessions really are something different - full of so much soothing care and it blows my mind every time how grateful and relaxed people feel after.
My individual sessions fall roughly into two main categories:
Private Soundbaths for 1-2 people or groups
Individual Sound ‘Massage’ sessions with Tibetan singing bowls if you really want to go down in gear and do something truly restorative, de-stressing and rebalancing for your nervous system.

Every Saturday morning In Islands Brygge Canalside. I invite you to join me these last weeks of this season to soak in and add a sprinkle of early morning magic to the last of the summer and the refreshing outdoors.
You can expect an hour-long soulful morning flow practice followed by an optional warm beverage and refreshing dip to the water to really start your day right. Bring your fave morning drink yourself or grab one with your morning pastry from a cafe only one minute walk away.
Can you even hear the heart if you don’t have the space to listen?
We’re told not to worry but just trust the journey and listen to our hearts when we face hardship or crossroads - hey, I say that as well - often and a lot.
But what we often don’t talk about is how much space we actually need to be able to listen, to be able to feel that right direction, to be able to detect what is off and what is aligned, what we yearn and what has lived its life and served its purpose for us already.

Ready to come out of the (winter) cocoon?
- Welcome spring and new energy!
Spring in Chinese Medicine Ayurveda and at the yoga membership

Yoga Tricks to do at your office & workDesk
Back at office and back with the painful lower-back, tight and tense shoulders, wrists and hips, achey head and stressed nervous system?
Here’s a few things you can do to stretch out the body, relax and energise every day, a 15-minute desk-yoga video you can to at your office and workplace and information about how to have me at your office for weekly office yoga classes.
Huge 75% Discount + Changes to the Membership
For only 25dkk (3,3eur) the first month you can get all the tools, format and a reason to start cultivating these pockets of self-care time into your schedule! No long-term commitment required - just give yourself a treat and try it out!

In this mini workshop I will guide you more and more towards finding confidence and comfort in moving in your own way - something that essentially could be a building block for your own home self-practice for the times you can’t make it to the studio, or something that could give you the tools and confidence to move a bit more inwards and within your own needs in a guided practice - making your yoga practice a bit more deeper, personal, meaningful than merely a movement class - making it YOUR practice.

How sustainable is your yoga mat and why I’ve fallen in love with Cork as a material for yoga props. + a discount code for your next sustainable yoga mat/props

Inspiration for my Prenatal soundbaths
Maybe you noticed that I have a completely new event-offering up - A mellow soundbath relaxation or all the mothers-to be!
It’s an event I have been so-so inspired to create after hearing and seeing the feedback and effects of so many pregnant women who have been to my weekly soundbaths in the last year. So I wanted to take a moment to reflect a little bit on that.

GET 25% 50% or 75% off a month of yoga membership - I WILL DONATE ALL PROFIT TO HELPING THE PEOPLE OF UKRAINE

The Problem with Plastic
Ahimsa, little ways of contributing to solutions + a discount code to a package free shop in Copenhagen.
The problem with plastic is that it doesn’t go anywhere (only 10% of plastic produced is being recycled), it’s slowly, yet surely dissolving into everything in our planet and disrupting the balance of both the eco system and also our own systems (yes, microplastic has already been found in people’s bodies and brains as well)…

Do you remember to slow down?
My story with slow forms of yoga and why you should consider practicing them. In Yin, or Destress classes the tempo is slow- we go into physically passive poses close to the ground which are held for a few minutes each. Staying there that long really gives the chance for us to slow down and be. Staying with our breaths gives the body and mind an opportunity to actually relax and gradually stretch out and release both the physical and emotional tension we so carefully hold in our bodies, in our connective tissue. This slowing and destressing soothes the tension in the nervous system and helps us move from the ‘fight or flight’ stress-mode and activate the parasympathetic nervous system sending ourselves a signal that it’s safe to rest now.

How a regular yoga practice can improve your work-life?
Yoga is used more and more in workplaces to improve both physical and mental employee well-being and improve work-related productivity and satisfaction. There are indeed many benefits one could assign to a yoga practice, especially for balancing the ever-increasing work demands and expectations, that are worth considering if you need that extra push for stepping on your mat. Below you can find some of the many benefits yoga can have to your work-life.