The Problem with Plastic
Ahimsa, little ways of contributing to solutions + a discount code
If you know me you know how much I care about the environment, how passionate I am about reducing unnecessary waste both on a structural but also on a consumer level.
The problem with plastic is that it doesn’t go anywhere (only 10% of plastic produced is being recycled), it’s slowly, yet surely dissolving into everything in our planet and disrupting the balance of both the eco system and also our own systems (yes, microplastic has already been found in people’s bodies and brains as well) and it’a predicted that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the sea than fish. Sure, plastic is convenient, light to carry around, sturdy and useful in many different ways, the problem is more the amount of single-use plastic that makes it to our bins immediately after use and how many things are wrapped in plastic which could easily be bought without any packaging or an alternative one.
Yoga isn’t just a physical asana practice that you do on the mat, it’s something that touches every aspect of our lives really - how we behave with ourselves and others.
One of the Yogic principals is Ahimsa - non-violence or absence of injury to ourselves and anyone/anything else around us. Yogis or not, I really believe all of us could be a little bit more mindful of what we consume to not cause harm or injury to the planet we live on with all its inhabitants - If possible, use less; if possible, reuse what you already have or pass the things that you don’t any longer need to someone else who would love to give them another life; If possible, avoid wasting food; if possible but products that are made from recycled materials.
One of the small little ways we can make a difference is just consuming less single-use plastic. I know that’s not easy at all - it still is everywhere and it still is wrapped around everything that’s convenient. But with a little bit of planning and prioritizing we can at least buy the longer-lasting products single-use waste-free.
Luckily there are shops where you can do all that and buy your groceries in reusable containers.
LØS Market in Copenhagen is one of those places. They sell organic package free dry foods (pasta, flour, legumes, sugar, coffee, tea, spices, nuts, dry fruit, sweets etc.), cleaning products for our bodies and homes, honey, fruits and vegetables, and even liquids such as oils, vinegars, soy sauce and wine, and all the reusable containers you need to get started if you don’t have some old jars lying around at home.
I’ve been trying to stock up there more-or-less regularly for the past few years and no, it’s not perfect and yes, I still buy things in plastic wrapping as well. But even a smallest effort is an effort, and an intention to make a change inspires other little changes as well. Plus, supporting these little initiatives helps it to spread and eventually make a bigger difference. And I Know the change should come from a more structural level (Oh I wish package free produce would be a norm in each shop!), but we have to start somewhere right - be a bit more mindful, conscious and care a bit more!
LØS Market was so kind to offer you a discount code - they are still very small and surprisingly haven’t taken off as a big wave so they can’t offer much, but maybe the little discount of even 5% will help you get curious and check out their stores next time you need to buy pasta or dish washing detergent. Just use the code ‘KIKA’ in checkout!
They have 2 stores in Copenhagen:
1. The original little shop in Saxogade 77 (Vestebro)
2. The recently opened brand new shop at Nordre Frihavnsgade 21 (Østebro)
Go check them out - small changes lead to big changes! :)