Can’t find a time that suits you? contact me for a beautiful private session for only yourself or a group. Explore options HERE

An deeply warming, nourishing and recharging soundbath washing away any tiredness and stagnation of the winter times and washing you over with all the calm, inner light and lightness and drive you need to nourish and recharge in this transition from the darker to the lighter time of the year.
Come to fully relax, restore, take that time to slow down, notice, process, and re-connect with yourself after the long and slow winter of hibernation- to welcome all that is to come in the change of season ahead!

An deeply warming, nourishing and recharging soundbath washing away any tiredness and stagnation of the winter times and washing you over with all the calm, inner light and lightness and drive you need to nourish and recharge in this transition from the darker to the lighter time of the year.
Come to fully relax, restore, take that time to slow down, notice, process, and re-connect with yourself after the long and slow winter of hibernation- to welcome all that is to come in the change of season ahead!

FULLY BOOKED! Restorative Soundbath - Press Pause & Lean into Rest
Do you feel like you need to press pause for a moment, to let go of the grip and find some softening and re-connection with yourself? Come and treat yourself a beautiful candlelit evening full of warmth and self-care to deeply relax and restore your body, nervous system and mind while being held by the sounds and vibrations of beautiful instruments such as the gongs, singing bowls, chimes, and rain sticks.

FULLY BOOKED! Candlelight Winter Soundbath
This soothing and restful candlelight Soundbath is an invitation to bring a sprinkle of magic and deep relaxation and softness into the month of the year which tends to be very full. It’s an invitation and opportunity to really pause and slow down, soothe and restore your nervous system, soften the body and clear the head and body from all the noise and to-do lists so you can just be and rest, pull your attention back inwards into you - how you are, what is happening within, what within you needs attention and tending to, and wrap up the year mindfully

Restorative Soundbath - ground & Recenter
Do you feel like you need to press pause for a moment, to let go of the grip and find some softening and re-connection with yourself? Come and treat yourself a beautiful candlelit evening full of warmth and self-care to deeply relax and restore your body, nervous system and mind while being held by the sounds and vibrations of beautiful instruments such as the gongs, singing bowls, chimes, and rain sticks.

SOLD OUT! Relax & Restore - Summery and Nourishing Soundbath Reset
Last soundbath before diving deep into all the summer holidays - come give yourself that true cup-filling gift. It will be extra nourishing and summerly light and uplifting!
Reset into the summer mode!
Come join me for another beautiful soundbath relaxation to reset, switch off and rest from all the noise outside and tune back inwards to rest, destress, realign and refresh for the summer to feel light and renewed!